Written by: Ethan Kirk
If you haven't watched it already, The trip video can be seen here on the North youtube channel.
Ethan: Yo dude, thanks for taking the time to talk with me. How’s life? Have the post trip blues subsided yet?
Jonathan: Hey boss, life is great ! Keeping myself busy as always. Post trip blues did subside but I still miss the homies and BCN spots.
Ethan: Recently you met up with the Europe team to film a new video, Where did you guys end up going and how long were you out there for?
Jonathan: Yuuup, we went to Barcelona for one week and managed to get 5 days of filming overall.
Ethan: A cool thing about this trip is this was pretty much the first time all of you had met, no? What was it like for the whole Europe team to finally link up?
Jonathan: It is the sweet spot ! 5 days of filming in a row had us burnt out already haha.
A few of us knew each other previously or had interacted on Instagram but for the most part, yes it was the first time & it felt really nice. Everyone got along on and off the scooter pretty much straight away. We also started the trip with partying so I guess that helped breaking the ice !
Ethan: The first day a few of you guys had a late arrival, and it called for rain anyways, so you headed to the club late. How’d you guys run into Juzzy and Matteo? Just a coincidence? Any standout moments that night?
Jonathan: Oh we had met up with them during the day waiting for the rest of the guys and had already planned on going out. We got lucky as we got there and they were in front of the line, so no waiting in the queue. But not too many standouts moment tbh, we got Franz in the club despite him being 16, I got through without paying and the music was trash haha that’s pretty much it. Fun night tho
Ethan: You guys ended up staying in an AirBNB yeah? How was that? Spacious spot, or was the floor real estate a hot commodity?
Jonathan: It was more of a hostel. We had an 8 person dormitory for us. Between the 8 of us, our bags and scooters, floor real estate was a hot commodity yes. So not much room for personal space tbh, but the rooftop really slapped & we’d spend most of our time outside anyway. Also, being able to be all together, ride, film and have fun everyday is already a luxury I think.
Jonathan gave me the rundown of a few key moments throughout the trip, so I talked to some of the other guys on the trip to get their side of the story. Here's and excerpt from Dylan and Robin:
Ethan: On the third day or so, I got word of a crazy clip you were trying into a bank, How’d that battle go?
Dylan: Oh that bank!! Yeah that one was tough, it was like a stair set into an angled bank. I was trying a truck driver into it but it just kept getting away from and every time I would land my knee just slid down the brick, it wasn’t fun haha. However Robin was the true champ on this one, the trick he was trying was fucked.
Robin: Ahh yeah it was like the first proper day of riding and we came by this stair set with a bank on the side of it. I tried to 180 whip into that then going fakie down and cab out in the flat. Almost got it one time but it was hard to figure out the correct angle for the 180. I fell a couple times and already ripped both of my hands and elbows open so I stopped since I didn't wanna destroy my whole body on the first couple of days. We wanted to come back for it on the last day but it didn't happen since i fell again on a different spot and i fucked my whole face up haha. But I think Dylan managed to get a few shots of the trick. Kinda sucks i didn't land it in the end, but i guess that's just how it is sometimes.
Ethan: One thing that stood out to me while watching the trip unfold from an outside perspective was how mangled you looked in the stories after the 5th day or so. What happened dude? Looks like you took the crown for gnarliest bail. Want to fill me in on what happened?
Robin: yeah i for sure took that haha. So like in the middle kinda more towards the end of the trip i fell quite bad on a spot which was like a rail on top of a curb. I wanted to feeble the curb then go on top of it and then do a trick on the rail. I think i focused way too much on the rail so i kinda forgot that the curb wasn't that wide and i totally slipped. I remember hitting my head on the rail and then falling on the ground quite hard. I didn't feel much pain just felt a little dizzy and i was trying to figure out what just happened. My face was cut all over and I got a big swollen black eye. It looked really bad. I was so lucky all the guys were around tho they really helped and supported me with everything. We went to the pharmacy nearby and in the end i was lucky and nothing too bad has happened. After that, the trip was kinda over for me. But at least i took home a sick scar that‘s above my eyebrow haha
Ethan: I heard Franz hooked it up and helped you get your injuries sorted. What’s it like trying to manage an injury like that in a foreign country? Sketchy, or y’all had it under control? I like to think most of us scooter riders are ‘street doctors’ for lack of a better term, almost always able to patch ourselves up with even the smallest ‘pharmacy’ section in a supermarket.
Robin: yeah that's true. Franz and I went back to the hostel after that happened. We sort of had it under control haha. I probably should've have get stitches because one wound was a little deep. But i didn't wanna spend the rest of the day at the hospital and shit so we just decided to go the pharmacy nearby and they were able to help me. But yeah Jeppe and Dylan were like my street doctors. They really helped me out a lot and went to the pharmacy with me and shit haha.
I wanted to try and get the whole crews take on the trip, and sent out a couple questions for them to answer. Here's what they all replied:
Ethan: Whenever there’s a group trip like this, there’s always sure to be some standout clips that just take the cake. Do you guys have any favourite clips?
Marcel: my favorite trick is for sure Robins line on those two ledges.I just love his style and everything he does looks sooo good.
Jonathan: That’s a tough one. I have a few that come to my mind as we’re speaking such as Jeppe’s tap to front feebzer on that blue rail. End of the day, already had a few beers, didn’t really expect to be that productive anymore and Jeppe just started sending and stacking clips spontaneously on that famous spot we stumbled upon. Second is a manny line clip between two ledges from Marcel, he didn’t get many clips due to the spot selection not really fitting his type of riding, but the ones he got were real nice, loved em. Finally, Guillhem’s over crook downside heel he got on the last day. I was so burnt out that seeing someone full of energy hyped me up. I could go on for a while tbh, just thinking of clips from the team makes me happy haha
Franz: It‘s definitely hard to decide, but I think for me it’s Guilhelms tripple down heel on that wave spot. Also because he just did it so fast, that was definitely fucked.
Ethan: Who was the rowdiest?
Dylan: I wouldn’t really say anyone was rowdy, however Kev really knows how to drink so he kept us all up to scratch in that department. The guy just doesn’t stop
Marcel: I think Jeppe.Dude is a such a savage.He was throwing bangers after couple beers
Franz: The rowdiest has to be Jeppe, He was always down to do anything and I‘ve probably never seen a person who can drink such a big amount of beer.
Ethan: Who had the gnarliest bail?
Dylan: We all took some slams but I think we can all agree Robin wins this award, the bank took some chunks off him on the first day and then he totally wrote his face off in the middle of the trip. Luckily there was a pharmacy just down the road where he got stitched up, we had to google translate which was fun one
Marcel: I mean only Robin got the gnarly bail.I thought he would be out for the rest of the trip but he was shredding the day after.
Franz: Robin definitely had the hardest slam with his face plant. It was such a shock for all of us, he just fell out of the nowhere.
Ethan: What was the most memorable moment if you could only pick one moment from this trip?
Dylan: Dude, so many to choose from. Something just happens everyday on a trip like this, but I think sitting on the mountain listening to Phil Collins after a long productive day, necking some beers was definitely a nice moment. But I’m sure what will stay with all the boys is Guilhem motivational speech “let’s go brah” will stay within the group for a long time hahaha
Marcel: For me maybe when we went to the club on the first day hahaha. It was just a magic moment for me to meet all the guys
Franz: That’s a hard question, but maybe it’s that one evening after we where filming in Badalona. It was a really productive day filming, after which it just seemed like everyone was happy. We we‘re chilling at that one spot, laughing while watching Dylan trying a kickless. The vibe on that evening was just perfect in general, it was just that one kind of magical evening