Emotional ties | North EU
Written by: Ethan Kirk
Recently some of the North European team took a trip out to Poland to film a new video. We caught up with Love Svensson and some of the other North EU members to catch a quick recap of how the trip went down, and how 'Emotional ties' came to be.
“This video was based around a 7 day long filming mission to the capital of Poland, Warsaw. Warsaw is a city that hasn’t been ridden much before with scooters, there’s only a few prior proper videos from there so we were excited to head to a place without much prior knowledge, and tackle some relatively uncharted territory. What got us excited to go there was our EU rider Marcel (@cargosouljah) who’s from the city and overall just hearing good things about the city and its underground culture.
The trip consisted of Robin Hartmann, Jo Leggett from Switzerland, Marcel from Warsaw and myself, Love Svensson from Sweden, although I spent the trip only filming due to an ankle injury.
Filming in Warsaw ended up being super good, the city had endless spots that we saw all day riding around, But we were super lucky to have great local people to show us around. Mainly Jegor, Kacper, Szymon and Marcel of course. These guys had all the spots we wanted and we ended up spending every day just riding around going to back to back spots filming for the video.”
- Love Svensson
Looking for some more info, I caught up with some of the other guys involved in the trip:
Ethan: Yo guys, considering the Poland trip has come to an end, and the video is about to be released I was wondering if y’all would be able to list off some highlights about the trip from each of your perspectives?![]()
“One highlight was definitely the party haha. We met some girls there and one of them was a tattoo artist. The day after we went to her place to get tattooed. Love and I got one and the day after Jonathan got one as well. Now we all have something on our body that reminds us of this trip. For me a big highlight was filming my first clip. It was the front board to fakie crook. That was actually the trick I was trying in Barcelona when I fucked my face up. I got it in like 4 tries and I was really hyped. I can‘t think of anything else right now but overall the whole trip was super sick. Warsaw has such good spots and the scooter community there is awesome. Met so many nice people and without them the trip wouldn‘t have been this great.”
- Robin Hartmann
"If I’d have to list off some highlights, the first one would definitely be the hospitality of the Warsaw homies. As soon as Robin and I got there on the first day, some of them texted us offering to show us around and they did so for the whole trip after that. Massive love to all of them!
Another highlight must be the positive mood that this trip was surrounded with the whole time. I would not be able to think of a problem or a noticeable downside about our days in Warsaw (the shitty shower of our apartment being an exception haha). The Friday night out was pretty good too. We had finished up filming the vid after 3 and a half days of getting clips and there was a big closing party of a « club? ». The night was so fun, it felt deserved as the vid was pretty much done. That’s also where we met some more locals, one of them being a very good tattooer. We then met up with these new friends the following day for a tattoo & pizza sesh."
- Jonathan Leggett