We hit up our boy Lew to get some info from the man himself on his new signature wheels that just dropped, his inspirations, how he chose the colorway and the graphic ideation process:
What’s goodie, how ya been, what’s happenin’ ?
I’m good ! been a minute mane hope all is well with you too. I'm just in Connecticut working and scootering as per usual.

Photo: Michael Mankong
Let’s talk about these new signature wheels that just dropped. Your colorway is looking mad clean, with the white on white, it feels like I'm looking at some fresh white wall tires, how’d ya decide on this combo?
appreciate it! i decided on an all white wheel after i saw my homie Nate Gendron riding these all white AO wheels a few years ago. It sucks to say I was inspired by an AO product but it’s the sad truth haha.
The text that features your name is really neat, mind explaining the meaning behind that graphic and how you came up with that idea?
thanks again! The graphic of the wheel was mainly inspired by all the signature wheels i saw growing up from proto and river. They always had the riders name on the core with some sort of design to go with it and i always thought that was a nice look. I got into sewing about 3 years ago so when i was asked to do this wheel i knew the needle and thread would be perfect for that concept. Also, I got Dakota knight to create the graphic and the overall design of the wheel as well and I really think he killed it. I'm super stoked on how they came out so big thanks to him.

Anything else you wanted to shoutout?
Just wanna say thanks to North for giving me this opportunity out of all the well deserving riders in our squad. Never really thought i would get anything like this so I’m very grateful. Love my team!!
Head over to our products tab to take a closer look at Lew's all new signature wheels!