2020 North Year in Video review

2020 North Year in Video review

2020 North Year in Video review

2020 has been a hectic year to say the least, but throughout it’s ups and downs, scootering still continued to progress and reach new heights, following its upward trend year after year. In this Blog we’ll be taking a look at the videos that dropped this year, and walking you through each upload that you may have missed. 


Jon Devrind | STRESS

Starting the year off right, we have Jon devrind and his “Stress” video part. Jon’s riding combined with the sounds of turnstile is something that I’m sure many didn’t expect, but if anyone’s music taste is slightly similar to mine, you were pleasantly surprised at the outcome. Looking for my favourite clip, there’s a whole lot of contenders, but if you find yourself at 2:23 into the video you’ll understand how I chose the clip I did. Wall tap in, butter bench slide to wall-tap out? How can you beat that? Who even thinks of that? Luckily for us, Jon does. Take a few minutes to enjoy this video now if you’ve been sleeping on it for the entire year!


Ethan Kirk | North Scooters

Excuse me as I may not write a whole lot about this one, but the second video of the year is Ethan Kirk’s Welcome to North video. I had been working on this video for a while and through a few camera swaps. It wasn’t really until early spring this year that I had figured I better get a move on and get this thing released. There’s a few clips I’m still really stoked on, like the curve rail frontside 50, and the long rail I ended up finding for the ender. A funny side note about that rail, a few weeks after the fact I saw a post on my facebook of rollerbladers hitting the rail back in the early 2000’s and the whole time I hads thought the rail was previously untouched. Rollerbladers really paved the way for all these big ‘ender rails’, so keep that in mind next time you need a spot location!

Horizon Deck Promo

The horizon deck dropped early this year and we really didn’t understand the impact it would have until you guys ended up selling them out! We appreciate each and every one of you for supporting us and each of our ideas, and we’re pleased to know you all enjoyed the Horizon decks as much as we did! 


Introducing Derek Marr

As homie ‘VVVDB’ said best in the youtube comments ``I saw the name Derek Marr and then I was ready for bangers''. That’s pretty much all of our feelings too. Derek is so good at riding anything put in front of him that any video he releases is sure to be a good watch. Derek can go from doing a perfect whip-back 50-downside heel-backlip to a massive roof drop in which he does a flair before even hopping off. We’re sure he is one of the best all around riders out there in scootering right now, and that’s why we’re stoked to be able to finally have him a part of the North team this year!


Cameron McRobbie Signature Wheel Promo

During this year, we released signature wheels at two different times within the year. In the first release Cameron McRobbie had a pair with beautiful wine red cores, and clear urethane drop. Going above and beyond Cameron decided that we’d be deserving a promo showcasing the wheels and why you should buy them. If This feel-good promo doesn’t make you want to get a pair of McRobbie’s signatures, You may have to watch it again, because from the soundtrack to the beautiful shots featuring these wheels, I was out to get a pair myself as soon as I could!


Switchblade & Tomahawk Complete Promos

 These Two videos are grouped together because they’re relatively self explanatory. With the release of our new line of complete scooters this fall we wanted to showcase how we stand behind our products and believe in the quality we produce. I took the completes to two of my local parks and had my friends, Luke kashiyama and Evan Psaila  shred the completes right out of the box. Keep in mind they had never touched the scooters prior to filming, I just pulled out my camera and told them to get busy, and this is what they were able to produce. I think that’s a pretty good testament to how solid these complete scooters really are! 


Ethan Kirk's "Onterrible Wheel" Part

Again it’s going to be a little weird for me to write one of these in the third person again, So I’m just going to take the easier route here and steal the video description I had Previously written: 

“First of all, I still can't wrap my head around the whole concept of myself having a signature wheel. It still seems like a dream, but firstly I'd like to thank North for the opportunity I've been given. I gave my wheels the name 'Onterrible', just because it's a running joke I have with the homies about the weather we get up here, but at the end of the day I love Toronto and Ontario with every bone in my body, Onterrible's home to me. I wanted this part to feature as much of Toronto as I possibly could, and really give a good example of what this place has to offer, in terms of spots, scenery and overall experience. With the help of Mitch Tranmer behind the lens, I think we captured that pretty well, other homies that helped filmed deserve their credit too, Jacob Bruno, Cameron McRobbie, Devin Morgan and Cameron Crook. I love y'all, thank you for sticking it out with me for all those hours. As some people might know, I'm a big fan of a good mosh pit too, So if this video was really going to showcase what Toronto is to me, I felt using a PUP song would only be right. I've been to countless of their shows, and some of the photos at the beginning are from those. There's a reason it's my favourite band & the only thing missing here would be me belting each and every lyric, but we'll save that for another time haha. To cap it all off, I think I want to thank everyone who has ever supported me in one way or another. Whether it be a quick follow, or a video view, I still can't believe people take the time out of their day to watch me do what I do. For the longest time, this has been a dream, and with the help of y'all it's finally reality, so thank you. Thank you North - Thank you Trynyty - Thank you 1-800-Hotsoup"


Jonas Johnson Signature Wheel Promo

Following the release of the other signature wheels, Jonas Johnson had a release of his own and wanted to create something special to kick off the release of his beautiful red and black wheels. Watching the video Jonas really gives context to how his signature wheel graphic came to be through the spectacular B-roll in between the killer riding clips he brought to the table. If you want more context as to how Jonas’ signature wheel graphic came to be I suggest you take a trip to our blog section of the site, and take a second to read the Jonas Johnson Signature Wheels article. The process Jonas takes is really unique to all of the other releases, and it adds much more sentiment to the final product. 



Cameron McRobbie - 'A Night Out' 

Ending the year off right, we have a very special film presented by Cameron McRobbie himself, take a trip for a night out with the Ontario killer himself as he battles every nearly impossible rail in Ontario, all the while pulling off combos we had never thought possible. Cameron has always been one to want to add a personal touch to his projects, and he does exactly that with the hilariously perfect intro in this one.  A personal favourite clip of mine is the one featured in the thumbnail of the video. I’m not going to completely spoil it, but Just look at how long that rail is! And the gaps in between rails?! Seriously, If you can find the time right now, go watch this video!


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